Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Multicultural Career Fair Reports Huge Success

Multicultural Career Fair Reports Huge Success Multicultural Career Fair Reports Huge Success The career fair drew hundreds of job seekers and dozens of recruiters from various advertising agencies. A followup to last years influential panel discussion (also titled Where Are All the Black People?) the career fair featured keynote speakers Jeff Goodby of Goodby, Silverstein Partners, Jimmy Smith of Amusement Park Entertainment, Neal Arthur of Wieden+Kennedy and advertising trailblazer Roy Eaton. The presenters discussed the distressing lack of multicultural diversity in the advertising industry and offered words of wisdom and encouraging advice for attending job seekers.Also during the career fair, four winners of a live talent pitch competition were selected and awarded interviews with ten major advertising agencies. At the same time, hundreds of other attendees benefited from the event forging business connections, pursuing job leads, and learning from established thought leade rs.The event was hugely successful and afforded hundreds of participants an invaluable opportunity to connect with a mentor, meet important industry contacts, and establish a network, said Kevin Swanepoel, President of The One Club. But more importantly, many were offered a second interview and the real possibility of a job, which was our ultimate goal.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

The U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard

The U.S. Navy Ceremonial GuardThe U.S. Navy Ceremonial GuardA sea of white uniforms work in unison to inspire and entertain while moving with the precision of a well-oiled machine. The group moves fluidly and cohesively throughout their routine, every step perfectly timed, all feet hitting the ground and lifting again at precisely the same moment. Looking across the formation reveals essentially no differences between the dozens of individuals on the field. Each is focused on one common goal putting on an impeccable exhibition of skill and determination for those gathered in the stands. At a quick glance from afar, the performers look as though they could be a marching band or some other group providing half-time entertainment at a sporting event. However, something sets this group apart. As one moves closer to the field, he or she will not notice looks of excitement beaming off the performers faces as each movement goes off without a hitch. Not one. This elite group goes about thei r geschftliches miteinander with a stone-faced seriousness that would make Buckingham Palaces world-famous royal guards blush. At that moment, the U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard, for many people the very face of the Navy, has reached the apex, the very peak of perfection. Trying to attain perfection, whether it is during an exhilarating fieldshow or during the fruchtwein somber of funerals, is not easy. The process makes top-notch young Sailors deal with a constant routine of drilling, shining, buffing and grooming that, for most, is worse than anything faced in recruit training. The jurney culminates with the one-time recruits becoming members of the guard and working routinely in funerals, drill performances and highly memorable ceremonies throughout the United States. For those Sailors, it all begins at the Ceremonial Guard headquarters in Washington, D.C., where trainees straight out of boot camp converge to prepare for a two-year stint as a guardsman. This is where all the fun begi ns, said Senior Chief Machinists Mate (SS) Gerald Konkol, the guards command senior chief. All the glory for these guys starts with the first day they walk through the door here. From there, they go on to represent the Navy. But, its hard to find even the tiniest shred of glory during the first several weeks trainees spend in our nations capital. Upon arrival, every new trainee immediately begins a six-week training cycle that molds the raw recruit into a basic guard member. During that time, their colleagues do not recognize the trainees as full guardsmen. In fact, trainees are not even allowed to speak to other guardsmen that only comes after completing the training period. It doesnt take long for a trainee to realize being stationed with the guard and being an actual guard member are two totally different things. You find out pretty quick that you have to work really hard to succeed here, said Seaman Apprentice Chris Simpson, a trainee in his fourth week with the guard. Right awa y they have you clipping strings off your uniforms, shining shoes and all that. Were always working on our uniforms. Its definitely a lot tougher than I first expected. The life of a trainee at headquarters can prove to be a tough experience, with a wide array of inspections proving to be a thorn in the side of a soon-to-be guardsman. The typical trainee, who is looking for a break after the inspection routine of boot camp, has uniform and personal appearance scrutinized at nearly every part of the day. The experience can be daunting to a new Sailor. We have room inspections in the morning before breakfast, utility inspections after breakfast, locker inspections during the day, utility inspections in the afternoon and we can expect a surprise inspection at any other time, said Airman Apprentice Bob Cronyn of the training platoons schedule. On top of that, we drill throughout the day. Its a lot more difficult than boot camp. The platoon leaders take the boot camp standards and turn i t up a few notches. During the rigid examinations, inspectors regularly fail the trainees for neglecting to clip all strings out of the inside of their shirt pockets and failing to shine both sides of their brass belt buckles. The trainees also receive daily inspections on their haircuts, uniform press, white gloves and grommets, among other uniform elements. The highly-intense inspections are a necessary part of a guardsmans life, according to Konkol. Were talking about junior people who represent the entire Navy when they are out there, he said. When they are in the six-week training l, we must teach them to be a sharp-looking, disciplined guardsman. A lot of what they do for inspections is an extension of us wanting to establish proper military bearing. On top of the discipline-instilling inspections, trainees must also learn the barracks. The routine affords most trainees only a couple hours of sleep a night. On top of the discipline-instilling inspections, trainees must also le arn the skills of a true guard member during the training phase. To do this, the platoons squad leaders put the group through a rigorous series of drills with an emphasis on marching and rifle handling. The training sometimes continues throughout the day, with several water and meal breaks thrown in to keep the trainees refreshed. When faced with a daily pattern of work and inspections like that, the thought of quitting would cross many Sailors minds. For the actual trainees, keeping their thoughts trained on the end goal helps them stay focused. There are times when you wonder why you chose to come here, said Airman Nathan Nehls. But we know that the sense of pride we are going to have in front of so many Americans and our parents is too great to pass up. It keeps me going when I want to give up, but I can get close sometimes. The maddening routine is given an added twist by the training platoons squad leaders. Unlike boot camp, where recruit teilen commanders must be at least a se cond class petty officer, the guard uses a group of other guard members, typically E-3 and below, to train newcomers. Having seaman-on-seaman instruction is seen as one of the finest elements of the training cycle. Theres a good reason for it, said Seaman Jason Ramspott, one of four training platoon squad leaders. Were a bunch of guys who have played this game before. Weve been trainees, and weve been in the ceremonies. I think we are perfect to train these guys up. Who could do it better than people who have done it before? With that intent, the squad leaders become an integral part of the trainees lives. The two groups get used to seeing each other at all times of the day. The constant scrutiny helps to create a special love-hate sort of relationship between the two groups. Overall, we all get along, Simpson said. I mean, we have those days where we cant stand them and just wish they werent around, but we always appreciate them. Theyve done the things that we want to do, and they are concerned with how we are doing. They want us to succeed. Seaman Apprentice Emily Chvosta, another of the training platoons squad leaders, echoes that thought. Chvosta says the job makes her feel like more than just an instructor for the soon-to-be guardsmen. Were definitely mentors as well as platoon leaders, Chvosta said. We are all over these Sailors all day long for six weeks. We drill them, inspect them and are the first link in their chain-of-command. If they have an issue with something concerning training or even something personal, they can come to us and talk about it. We want to make sure they learn the ways of a guardsman, but we also want to see that they arent too overwhelmed with it all. If a trainee has an issue, theres plenty of time during the day for them to bring it up. The typical trainees day starts before 6 a.m., with morning room inspections. Then, following a day full of inspections and instruction, their day ends long after sunset with a flurry of ironi ng, shining and string clipping in their barracks. The routine affords most trainees only a couple hours of sleep a night. You definitely dont get much sleep maybe an hour or two a night for awhile, said Airman Apprentice Andrew Bartlett, a new member of the guards firing party. Bartlett finished his training phase in early July. If you didnt get used to going without sleep in boot camp, youll have to learn early on here. Its a tough thing for some. Overall, its not exactly the type of life most recruits imagine when they are entering the final days of boot camp. It may even sound like something the Navy forces groups of new Sailors to do. Nothing could be further from the truth. While there are qualifications each potential guard member must meet, every person sent to ceremonial guard duty chooses the assignment during boot camp. In return for the assignment, most selectees voluntarily put off A school for the aussicht to go to Washington, D.C. During their two years with the guar d, Once the trainees complete the six-week period, the other, more-experienced members finally recognize them as full guardsmen. It is a moment the trainees look forward to. Those Sailors selecting A schools cannot advance past E-3. Despite that, the choice is an easy one for some. For me, it was a chance to do something that not many other people get to do, Ramspott said of his decision to join the Ceremonial Guard. Most of us end up getting guaranteed A schools after, but the main thing for me is to get the chance to represent the entire Navy everyday. Its a very big honor. Those without A schools are eligible to advance to petty officer third class in rates not requiring A schools. When they do join and become guardsmen, they get opportunities most other Sailors never receive. Many current guard members have been on hand for special ceremonies at the White House, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, at ship commissionings and other events. Chvosta fondly remembers one such event. I realized the importance of what I do when I was there for the announcement of the name of CVN 77 ? USS George H.W. Bush. I was standing near Bush for the ceremony. I was a part of history in a way. Nothing tops that. In the little bit of free time they have, trainees are able to enjoy the comforts of their barracks rooms, which are comparable in quality to a hotel chain. Theyre nice rooms for sure, said SA Chesed Johnson. With some of the other fleet Sailors Ive talked to, I can see we have it pretty good. Theyre like a miniature two-bedroom apartment. They have to be better than most other barracks in the fleet. Once the trainees complete the six-week period, the other, more-experienced members finally recognize them as full guardsmen. It is a moment the trainees look forward to. Im not sure what its going to feel like, but I cant wait, Simpson said. I know we are all pretty much E-2s and E-3s, but having their respect means a lot to us. Its something we work for from the second we get here. After their six-week training period, the former trainees then join 1st Division in one of the firing party and casket bearer platoons, or 2nd Division in one of the drill team and colors platoons. Deciding who goes where in the command is a tough process, according to Konkol. We really look at three things when deciding that, he said. We always try to go with the desires of the individual, but we also want to take a look at the skills of the trainee. Sometimes a person will stand out in certain areas more than others. And there is always the manning issue. We have to do things that will keep us at the proper manning level in each platoon. And for former trainees, that point is when they first feel they have achieved a certain level of perfection. You feel invincible for a little while, Bartlett said of his first days as an official guard member. In a way, its one of the proudest moments of your life here.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

What to Do If You Are in AWOL or Desertion Status

What to Do If You Are in AWOL or Desertion StatusWhat to Do If You Are in AWOL or Desertion StatusThe difference between Absence Without Leave (AWOL) and Desertion is typically the 30 Day Rule. Once a person who is absent from military duties extends above 30 days, he/she is administratively placed in deserter status. Missing a movement or deployment especially into battle zones the offenses get much more serious with respect to punishment. The length, circumstances, and events missed while absent will also determine a minor judgment by your commanding officer or a full UCMJ court-martial possibly ending in jail time. AWOL and Desertion Charges Here are many of the issues the military reflects upon when deciding to apprehend or punish the member who is AWOL or aDeserter The length of absence can affect the outcome of your punishmentMitigating evidence that could reduce the likelihood/severity of punishmentThe military may issue a warrant for your arrest, and if they put effort into your capture the punishment will be greater than if you voluntarily return as the consequences of apprehension by civilian/military authorities are realVoluntary return is your best option AWOL and Desertion charges are elend uncommon in the military with the Army accumulating anywhere between 2,500 and 4,000 annually.Typically, these members will be released from the military with an Other Than Honorable or a Bad Conduct Discharge, however depending upon the importance of the evolution one missed and the time away from the command, you could receive jail time. By definition, you are considered AWOL even if you are one minute late for a formation, but common sense rules and there will likely just be a counseling session or a warning given to being AWOL for a few minutes. Voluntarily Return If you are AWOL or in desertion status, the most important thing for reduced punishment is to return voluntarily. If you know someone who is in AWOL or desertion status (30 Day Rule), con vince them to return to military control voluntarily. The sooner, the better. Also, punishment will be much more lenient if one voluntarily returns to military control than if one is arrested by law enforcement and involuntarily returned to the military. Additionally, if one voluntarily returns, they are less likely to be placed in confinement while awaiting disposition of their case. If one is apprehended by civilian law enforcement, on the other hand, they will likely spend several days in a civilian jail, while waiting for the military to make arrangements to pick them up and transport them to a military base. Upon return to military control, they would then likely be confined while waiting for the authorities to decide what to do with their case. Hiring an Attorney While you should voluntarily return as soon as possible, its often very helpful to obtain an attorney with military law experience prior to surrendering to military control. An experienced civilianattorney can con tact military authorities on behalf of the AWOL/deserter and negotiate (sort of a plea bargain), what will happen with the case once you return. There are several civilian lawyers available who specialize in military law. If you cant afford a civilian attorney, contact a military defense attorney at the military base you plan to turn yourself into. They can represent you for free. Depending upon your case, there is a difference between the article 85 UCMJ charge of desertion (which presumes the intent of never returning or avoiding hazardous or important duty) and simply being in deserter status (gone over thirty days) or AWOL (under thirty days) is major with regard to punishments. In the end, it does not pay to go AWOL or Desert your duty.If the military is an option you prefer to choose as a career or on the job training, take your oath seriously and do your time. Having an Other than Honorable Discharge is no way to start your life as it can prevent many opportunities for you i n the future.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

More Starting Salary Rankings, This Time by Major

More Starting Salary Rankings, This Time by MajorMore Starting Salary Rankings, This Time by MajorIt should come as no surprise that your starting salary after graduation depends on what you study. In my earlier post about the college graduate salary rankings, the colleges with the highest starting salaries were those that specialized in engineering, nursing and other pre-professional or technical programs. But has the economy affected how much students are making? Sure, but probably elend by as much as you thought. A Vault survey conducted earlier this year showed that average salary offers for the class of 2009 were the about the same as those the class of 2008 received last year. However, our survey didnt ask about the salary offers for students who earned degrees in different subjects. So, has the economy changed how the earning potential of different majors? Do they still rank the same?In general, yes. The 2009 National Association of Colleges and Employers Recruiting Be nchmarks Survey found that engineering is still on top. And its lead increased this year, as salary offers gained an average of 3.28 percent from 2008. Interestingly, the drop in salary offers for business majors was minimalless than 1 percent. So while fewer offers were made, the graduates that earned an I-banking job will earn roughly the same amount as 2008 grads.Heres a table from the NACE survey with some of the fruchtwein popular majors, their average 2009 starting salaries and the changes from last year

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Recruiter Secrets What It Takes to Land Open Jobs

Recruiter Secrets What It Takes to Land Open JobsRecruiter Secrets What It Takes to Land Open JobsAs you sit behind your computer screen, looking at yet another job posting, do you ever wonder what the hiring manager who wrote the posting was thinking? What would you give to read the minds of potential employers so you could know if you were a true fit for their open jobs? What are those recruiter secrets?Well, wonder no longer. In the U.S. News Money story, Heres How Recruiters Really Fill Jobs, youll learn the secrets about what it takes to land an open job- and what recruiters are really looking forHere are fourrecruiter secrets, detailing what it takes to land open jobs1. Your social media presence is super important.If you thought that recruiters were basing their decisions on who to call in for a job interview solely on resumes and cover letters, think again. Social media plays a very important role in whether a recruiter will reach out to you- or not. While you should pay part icular importance to LinkedIn, you need to also cast a discerning eye over your other social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, etc. More than half (55 percent) of recruiters will look at FB profiles and status updates, and 47 percent are checking out what youre posting in 140 characters or less on Twitter. The moralische verfassung of the story make sure that what youre putting out there on social media is acceptable, G-rated, and above all, professional.2. Interning isnt a bad idea.One of the biggest sources for finding a new hire is by looking within the company. Hiring interns even ranks higher than direct job applications (46 percent), with over 55 percent of recruiters looking at the intern pool for the next best job candidate. So if youre looking to potentially change careers or simply want to get your foot in the door at a desired company, accepting an adult internship (no matter what age you are) is a great way of getting hired permanently 3. Keep your connections- or establish new ones. Of course, you know the phrase, Its not what you know, but who you know. This definitely holds true for the relationship between recruiters and job candidates. But by far, the top way in which hiring managers recruit for positions is by tapping those whom they already know for referrals. Since employee referrals count for the vast majority of job hires (at a whopping 78 percent), it makes good business sense to keep your connections with previous employers and colleagues- and forge new ones, too.If youre dying to work with a particular brand (but dont already know anyone who works there), you can always reach out and ask to meet with an employee for an informational interview. Offer to buy lunch, or if youre not geographically close to each other, you can propose helping them with any projects theyre working on. Building a strong relationship with that person can potentially help you the next time a job opening becomes available with the company.4. Be prepared to go the distance. Yes, job searching can be exhausting and soul crushing. But when youre this close to getting a job, dont balk if a recruiter asks you to do yet another interview with a company exec. Enthusiasm ranks high with recruiters (as does conversation skills and how you interact with them), so make sure that every interaction you have with the recruiter is pleasant, professional, and shows how much you want the position.Its important to keep in mind that recruiters are people, too, who are just doing their job of matching qualified candidates with the companies they work for. Do your best to stand out by incorporating some of these tips into your job search, and youll be gainfully employed (and happy) in no timeReaders, what have you learned from these recruiter secrets? Are you using these techniques to help you when looking at open jobs currently hiring? Let us know in the comments

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Top Resume Reviews Secrets

Top Resume Reviews Secrets At any time you have questions or you would like to get updates for your purchase, you can get in touch with a representative via live chat or phone. In addition to that, youll also find reviews and feedback posted by other readers who have already utilized the item. To the contrary, article writing reviews for internet websites are full of information. You will discover a lot of website content writing reviews for electronic goods on the net. Some even supply free LinkedIn profile critiquing if you simply require some expert insight in your profile. Youll get an bewerbungsgesprch with the writer, so they will secure all info necessary for the resume. Click the the hyperlink below to locate a local resume writer you are able to trust. The author is also readily available to respond to your questions and receive more instructions. The True Meaning of Top Resume Reviews It is very important to bear in mind that in the world today, obtaining a job d epends on presentation and actual skills. Job candidates are receiving tips about how to compose resumes of all levels. Our resume was delivered in time. Detecting a job isnt such difficult for people if they have got an attractive resume. The Debate Over Top Resume Reviews If you havent found the sort of service you are searching for in our top recommendations, try one of the numerous other resume writing services online. On ResumesPlanet, you may select from an array of services. Youre the one to make a decision as to what services will help you most and then search for resume writing companies which offer them at a fair price and with quality assurance. Therefore, its important to seek the services of an expert provider, and thats once you can trust CareersBooster.com. If you currently have a resume or CV, you can have them reviewed and improved via the businesss editing services. When most websites also enable clients to reservierung for individual services as opposed to packages, bundled packages are often cheaper, and youre more inclined to receive a very good discount. Youre able to pick from a number of payment packages when using ResumesPlanet.com. There is an assortment of alternatives available from where you can purchase electronic devices including retail shops and internet sites. The businesss services are certainly somewhat pricey, but I will definitely be using the Resume Place again in the event the need comes up. It gives you valuable discounts when you choose a package of services. The very best Usenet businesses have established servers in locations around the world, including the USA, Europe, and Asia. If you wish to compose your own resume, cover letter, or some other job application document, you may download a sample to observe the way that it should look like. Resumes Planet is a sizable popular writing service with a versatile group of capable writers. Based on your industry, you can also require particular documents. To put it differently, you ought to be the comprehensive package. Top Top Resume Reviews Secrets Therefore odds are high that you will wind up purchasing a wrong or inadequate device. The best method to make sure your resume is seen is by networking into the organization, Attridge states. When you order a resume or any other type of document that determines your odds to find work, you require betreuung that makes you truly feel safe. Better candidates will inquire about the pay range till they invest a good deal of time in your business. The Debate Over Top Resume Reviews Make certain that your resume writing provides the impression you would like it to make After you have the draft, youll have a while to review it. Our writers get in contact with you and learn a little about your targets and ambitions. Regardless of what product that you opt to order, itll be written by certified writers with utmost degree of professionalism.

Monday, December 2, 2019

HR Horror Stories and Video Interview Solutions

HR Horror Stories and Video Interview SolutionsHalloween can be a very scary time of year. Ghosts and goblins seem to be around every corner. Each week in October a new horror movie opens, letting audiences indulge in their most primal fears. On the small screen, television shows like American Horror Story have garnered huge ratings by playing on common horror tropes. But the big and small screens arent the only places you can find horror stories. There are plenty to be found in the trenches of HR.Sure, HR professionals arent dealing with spirits, hauntings, or killers on the loose. But ansicht brave professionals do deal with their fair share of hiring horror stories. From the candidates who come completely unprepared to the video interview to being inundated with people all wrong for the job, its not easy to find the best talent for your open positions.Instead of calling in the Ghostbusters to solve these scary hiring stories, here are some video interview solutions to these common tales of woeHR Horror Story Its a herd of applicants HelpIn a zombie movie, you know youre in trouble when the herd starts shambling toward you, looking to eat your brains. What zombies lack in speed, they certainly make up for in dedication and sheer numbers. Similarly, HR professionals are being inundated with applications for every open position.According to recent research from the Corporate Executive Board, there are an average of 118 application for every open position. Even quickly weeding out the people who are clearly all wrong for the job is going to leave you with a large candidate pool. How do you refine this group down to only the best people?The Solution Screen with a one-way video interviewWithout wasting time and spending 30 minutes or more on the phone with a candidate, you can easily evaluate skills, qualifications, and fit with a one-way video interview. In a one-way video interview, employers pose written questions candidates answer on video. These videos can th en be viewed whenever you have a free moment in your schedule. If the candidate spooks you after the first answer, you can move on to the next person without wasting more of your precious time.HR Horror Story 28 under-qualified candidates laterIn the horror movie 28 Days Later, a man wakes up from a coma to find out the zombie apocalypse occurred while he was sleeping. You would have to be snoozing pretty deeply not to notice it has become a lot harder to find candidates with the right skills and credentials for the job. While unemployment may have made the candidate pool wider than ever before, the skill shortage has also made it more shallow.The Solution Ask about specific skills in the video interviewIn the video interview, dive deep into a candidates qualifications and skills. Ask specific questions about programs, projects, and other relevant work experience. See if the candidate is willing to take a test after the video interview to back up the skills theyve been selling durin g your conversation. When you start asking candidates to get specific about their skills, you might just be in trouble if their confidence disappears like a ghost.HR Horror Story I cant tell the zombie candidates from the superstarsAt the end of horror movies, sometimes you find out the killer has been in your midst all along. These trick endings dont just happen in scary movies, they can also surprise you in the hiring process.A candidate might look great on paper, but completely fall apart in the interview. It can also be hard to tell the difference between two candidates who have similar qualifications and experience levels. How can you be sure youre hiring the superstar candidate and not a zombie office drone?The Solution Use a live video interviewIts time to connect with candidates face-to-face in a live video interview. These interviews allow hiring managers and job seekers to connect in real time, like an in-person interview without the commute.In this interview, be sure to e valuate personality to make sure the candidate will fit into your company culture. Cultural fit can really be the difference between an employee who will bring value for years to come and a vampire who will drain the life out of your employee morale.Halloween can be a scary time, but not as frightening as some of the challenges faced by those in HR every day. Utilizing video interviews can be the solution for these common hiring horror stories.What are some of your scariest HR horror stories? Share with us in the commentsIMAGE Courtesy of Flickr by Terry.Tyson

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The State of Tech Hiring in Washington, D.C.

The State of Tech Hiring in Washington, D.C.The State of Tech Hiring in Washington, D.C.THE STATE OF TECH HIRING IN WASHINGTON, D.C.Q3 and Q4 2019TOP SKILLS IN IMMEDIATE DEMAND1. Cloud security2. Cybersecurity3. Cloud computing cloud architecture*4. geschftliches miteinander intelligence Database management Web development/design*5. Network administrationOF TECHNOLOGY LEADERS SURVEYED 64% plan to expand their teams.34% plan to fill only vacant positions.85% say its challenging to find IT talent in their area.94% are confident in their companys prospects for growth.95% will bring on project-based IT employees. Below are the top reasonsConsultants are part of our hiring strategy 57%When theres a sudden vacancy 56%For especially busy times 51%When a skill does not exist internally 43%For unplanned, time-sensitive projects 43%Multiple responses allowed.TOP BUSINESS CONCERNS1. Maintaining security of IT systems2. Cloud projects/initiatives3. Innovation or helping grow the business

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What to Know About Temporary Employment

What to Know About Temporary EmploymentWhat to Know About Temporary EmploymentWhen you think about flexible work options, its easy to think about things like freelancing, remote work, or flexible schedules that give you mora control over your workday.But, theres one that youre likely forgetting temporary employment.Plenty of different employers rely on this option to ensure that theyre fully staffed during their busy times, and its a great choice for people who want a work arrangement that gives them extended time off- as opposed to greater flexibility with only their daily schedules.Heres what you should know about temporary employment.What is temporary employment?Temporary employment represents an employment situation in which a person works for a specified period of time, based on the needs of the employer.For example, a retail store or ecommerce site might hire some temporary employees to get them through the holiday shopping season. Or a business in a tourist destination might b ring on additional kollektiv members during the summer, when travel is at its peak. Those are fitting (not to mention common) examples of a temporary employment arrangement.Beyond that, there can be a lot of variety in terms of how temporary employment works. For example, some temporary employees might fill full-time roles for a set period of time, while others step into part-time positions. Or, some people might be hired into a temporary position as a test run before being moved into a permanent position.Those sorts of specifics can differ from place to place. But the basic premise of temporary positions remains the same youre hired to work for an organization for a certain time frame.Who should consider temporary employment?Because temporary employment isnt governed by a standard, predictable work schedule, its not the right choice for everybody (particularly people who want a stable, full-time role).However, this type of arrangement is perfectly suited for people who require empl oyment or want to bring in extra cash during specified times of the year, such as a teacher who has summers off and wants a way to earn income and keep their skills sharp while school is out.For people who tend to get bored easily in their jobs, temporary employment is a way to continually change gears, work in new environments, and try new things- without the appearance of being a job hopper. People who are job searching might also benefit from temporary jobs, particularly if theyre struggling to find a full-time role in their field.Finally, temporary employment can also be a great option for people who want to test out a different industry or career, or add some more experience to their resume. Temporary roles can give them an opportunity to reap those types of benefits, as they dont need to commit to a lengthy employment agreement.What should you ask yourself before pursuing temporary work?Even though temporary work is, by definition, shorter-term, its still a decision about your career- which means it requires the same amount of careful consideration as any other move or opportunity.How can you decide whether or not temporary employment is the right choice for you? Here are four questions to ask yourself before pursuing this type of arrangement.1. Are you comfortable with this level of instability?Remember, temporary jobs only guarantee you employment (and, as a result, a paycheck) for a certain amount of time. That means you could be dealing with frequent periods of unemployment if one temporary job ends and you dont have something else to move on to.That level of uncertainty is exciting to some people, but anxiety-inducing to others. Gauge your own comfort level beforehand, so you can determine whether or not temporary employment will be the fresh challenge you need, or only cause you unnecessary stress.2. Do you consider yourself a fast learner?Because theyre only hired for shorter stints, temporary employees are typically required to be fast learners- meaning they can pick up the tasks and responsibilities associated with a job and then hit the ground running.If you know that youre someone who typically requires more time and training to get up to speed, temporary employment might only be a source of frustration for both you and your employer.3. Do you require a sense of belonging at work?While its certainly not true at every workplace, there is a reputation that temporary workers are often looked at as disposable or less connected to their team and workplace- since they have an end date on their employment.That can be a challenging perception to deal with, particularly if you enjoy cultivating relationships and being an integral part of your companys culture.4. Why do you want to pursue temporary employment?As with any other career decision, its important that you understand your reasoning behind pursuing this change. Do you want to explore a new career path? Add some different experience to your resume? Bring in some extra inco me? Get your foot in the door with an organization thats currently only hiring temporary workers? Evaluate your motivations so that know youre making the best choice for you and your career goals.When it comes to flexible work options, temporary employment typically isnt one of the first to come to mind. However, it can be a great choice for people who crave a different type of flexibility.Use this as your guide to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of temporary employment and determine whether or not its a suitable option for you.BROWSE OPEN TEMP JOBS

Thursday, November 21, 2019

8 Types of Controversial Debt Securities

8 Types of Controversial Debt Securities8 Types of Controversial Debt SecuritiesA debt security is a financial instrument thats issued by a company or institution and sold to an investor with an agreement to pay back the face value and interest until it reaches an agreed upon maturity date or renewal date. Common types of debt securities include government bonds, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds.Traditionally, investors have bought debt securities because of the lower risk associated with them. However, in more recent years, a newer class of riskier,more controversial debt securities have come about. These include catastrophe bonds, collateralized debt obligations, collateralized loan obligations, mortgage-backed securities, collateralized mortgage obligations, covered bonds, death bonds,and junk bonds.Many finance experts point to these types of debt securities as some of the main contributors to the 2008 financial crisis.Unlike more traditional debt securities, individual inves tors do not usually buy these more controversial types of debt securities.Institutional investors, such as hedge funds and pension funds, are usually the main purchasers. 01Junk Bonds Junk Bonds are similar to regular bonds, except that the issuer has a low credit rating. Because ofthis, they have the qualifikation to pay higher yields than regular bonds to investors, but they also come with higher risks.