Saturday, November 23, 2019

What to Know About Temporary Employment

What to Know About Temporary EmploymentWhat to Know About Temporary EmploymentWhen you think about flexible work options, its easy to think about things like freelancing, remote work, or flexible schedules that give you mora control over your workday.But, theres one that youre likely forgetting temporary employment.Plenty of different employers rely on this option to ensure that theyre fully staffed during their busy times, and its a great choice for people who want a work arrangement that gives them extended time off- as opposed to greater flexibility with only their daily schedules.Heres what you should know about temporary employment.What is temporary employment?Temporary employment represents an employment situation in which a person works for a specified period of time, based on the needs of the employer.For example, a retail store or ecommerce site might hire some temporary employees to get them through the holiday shopping season. Or a business in a tourist destination might b ring on additional kollektiv members during the summer, when travel is at its peak. Those are fitting (not to mention common) examples of a temporary employment arrangement.Beyond that, there can be a lot of variety in terms of how temporary employment works. For example, some temporary employees might fill full-time roles for a set period of time, while others step into part-time positions. Or, some people might be hired into a temporary position as a test run before being moved into a permanent position.Those sorts of specifics can differ from place to place. But the basic premise of temporary positions remains the same youre hired to work for an organization for a certain time frame.Who should consider temporary employment?Because temporary employment isnt governed by a standard, predictable work schedule, its not the right choice for everybody (particularly people who want a stable, full-time role).However, this type of arrangement is perfectly suited for people who require empl oyment or want to bring in extra cash during specified times of the year, such as a teacher who has summers off and wants a way to earn income and keep their skills sharp while school is out.For people who tend to get bored easily in their jobs, temporary employment is a way to continually change gears, work in new environments, and try new things- without the appearance of being a job hopper. People who are job searching might also benefit from temporary jobs, particularly if theyre struggling to find a full-time role in their field.Finally, temporary employment can also be a great option for people who want to test out a different industry or career, or add some more experience to their resume. Temporary roles can give them an opportunity to reap those types of benefits, as they dont need to commit to a lengthy employment agreement.What should you ask yourself before pursuing temporary work?Even though temporary work is, by definition, shorter-term, its still a decision about your career- which means it requires the same amount of careful consideration as any other move or opportunity.How can you decide whether or not temporary employment is the right choice for you? Here are four questions to ask yourself before pursuing this type of arrangement.1. Are you comfortable with this level of instability?Remember, temporary jobs only guarantee you employment (and, as a result, a paycheck) for a certain amount of time. That means you could be dealing with frequent periods of unemployment if one temporary job ends and you dont have something else to move on to.That level of uncertainty is exciting to some people, but anxiety-inducing to others. Gauge your own comfort level beforehand, so you can determine whether or not temporary employment will be the fresh challenge you need, or only cause you unnecessary stress.2. Do you consider yourself a fast learner?Because theyre only hired for shorter stints, temporary employees are typically required to be fast learners- meaning they can pick up the tasks and responsibilities associated with a job and then hit the ground running.If you know that youre someone who typically requires more time and training to get up to speed, temporary employment might only be a source of frustration for both you and your employer.3. Do you require a sense of belonging at work?While its certainly not true at every workplace, there is a reputation that temporary workers are often looked at as disposable or less connected to their team and workplace- since they have an end date on their employment.That can be a challenging perception to deal with, particularly if you enjoy cultivating relationships and being an integral part of your companys culture.4. Why do you want to pursue temporary employment?As with any other career decision, its important that you understand your reasoning behind pursuing this change. Do you want to explore a new career path? Add some different experience to your resume? Bring in some extra inco me? Get your foot in the door with an organization thats currently only hiring temporary workers? Evaluate your motivations so that know youre making the best choice for you and your career goals.When it comes to flexible work options, temporary employment typically isnt one of the first to come to mind. However, it can be a great choice for people who crave a different type of flexibility.Use this as your guide to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of temporary employment and determine whether or not its a suitable option for you.BROWSE OPEN TEMP JOBS

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